Life as an Ubbo Emmian
Welcome to the Life as an Ubbo Emmian page! This page will guide you through the most fun and well-known activities Ubbo organises each year. Very handy if you are still wondering whether you want to become a member, or, you just want to feel nostalgic and relive some of your favourite Ubbo memories!
Social Drinks
Let us begin with everyone’s favourite monthly social drink. Every last Tuesday of the month, you can see all your friends from Ubbo at ‘t Gat to enjoy some lovely beers. They all start with happy hour so you just know that it will be real crowded very fast. Sometimes one of the committees will make a reveal about their product. Think for example of reveals of destinations of the Trips, or the themes of the Almanac, the yearly Conference, and of course, the Committee Weekend. This is accompanied by loud cheering and toasting, something you should see for yourself to experience the atmosphere!

Every year Ubbo is part of the organisation of Zwemfest together with three other associations (VIP, Ibn Battuta and GLV Idun). A committee comprising of several association members of these four associations will put together a great line-up of up and coming local artists to create a great musical experience! The festival is held in Vera, a location where multiple well-known artists performed, before or during the time they were known world-wide. Think of U2, Simple Minds and Nirvana. Zwemfest is an amazing activity that brings not only people together from different associations, but everyone in Groningen that has a taste for music.
Like parties and social drink, Ubbo also offers an opportunity to fulfil your dreams as an actor with the ACT-Committee. Every year a play is organised at USVA by multiple associations within the Faculty of Arts (Esperia, Commotie, IK and Ubbo). The ACT (Arts Cooperation Theatre) exists in its current form since 2021 and is made for and by students. Every year the committee chooses a play to perform. The cast and even the director are also students, a great opportunity to address yourself to the public!

Besides partying a lot, Ubbo organises multiple excursions and trips throughout the year. Around November a Small Trip to cities relatively close to Groningen is on the program. Past destinations have been Lille, Berlin, and Bruges. You will travel a whole weekend and get the opportunity to explore the city through visits to museums, city-walks, and of course pub crawls!
Then, between March and April, there might be two more excursions! If the Career Committee decides to plan a Career Excursion, you get the opportunity to develop yourself by determining more about your own career throughout the informative visit. A past destination has been Brussels, which included visits to the European Union. Besides the educational part, you still get time to also explore other aspects of the destinations!
Lastly, the Big Trip. The Big Trip takes place in April and it is a week long to either one or two destinations a bit further from Groningen. In the past Ubbo has been to Ljubljana & Triëste, Warsaw, and Florence. You get a lot of time to walk through the cities and see what they have to offer. Furthermore, the Travel Committee will organise some activities to make it a educational, informative, cultural, but ultimately fun trip you can share with your friends.

Committee Weekend
If you have thought about joining a committee and you are still wondering why you should do it? The Committee Weekend might be an extra motivator for you! Every year, all the committee members will be invited for a weekend at a group location to enjoy some nice activities with each other. Think for example, a pub quiz, songfestival and of course the fun parties. Besides all of these activities, there’s also time to relax and catch up with other committee members. So don’t wait and applicate for a committee when you get the chance!
First-Years Camp
The ones that did not join say how they missed not going, and the ones that did go want to go again, it’s the First Years Camp! Just like the Committee Weekend, it will be organised by the First-Year Committee and all the first-years will get a chance to start knowing Ubbo by staying for a weekend at The Slikken. Here you will enjoy fun activities with other first-years, while also meeting with older Ubbo Emmians. Of course, the weekend is packed with activities. In the past we have had dance workshops, pub quizzes and parties. This weekend is the best first impression you can get of Ubbo!

Of course, Ubbo can’t go without having parties each year! The Party Committee organises multiple parties throughout the year, each a different theme. Past themes include Wednesday Night Fever, Hip Hop and the UEFA Third Half Championship party. Each edition, all the Ubbo Emmians try their best to dress up correctly to the theme and this results is some crazy, original and beautiful outfits!
Ubstage is the annual talent show organised by the Culture Committee. The event gives Ubbo Emmians the opportunity to showcase their talents and compete for the jury prize or audience award. Participants can enter with different types of talents, including singing, dancing, stand-up comedy and music. The event is not only a chance for students to showcase their talent, but also to make new friends and enjoy each other's performances. The public can vote for their favourite act and the winner will receive a prize and eternal fame within the association.

The Batavierenrace is the world's largest relay race, with participants running from Nijmegen to Enschede every year. For several years, Ubbo has organised this together with another association, Odiom (Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Sciences). The race consists of 25 stages that together are about 175 km long. Besides running, there is the possibility of playing games with other participants throughout the weekend and, of course, a big final party takes place at the end of the weekend!
Hitchhike Weekend
The hitchhike weekend is an exciting annual event organised by the Activity Committee that brings Ubbo Emmians together for an adventure-filled weekend Participant hithchike from the starting point to a mystery location, where they engage in various activities and challenges. Last year, the location was Aken, a city in western Germany. Ubbo Emmians will explore the cities landmarks, cuisines and of course the local pubs!

Historical Conference
The Historical Conference is an annual event organised by the Conference Committee at the end of the year. The congress focuses on various themes related to history and provides a platform for discussions, lectures and presentations between experts and students from different disciplines. Besides these lectures, various workshops are organised. In previous editions, the History Congress has covered multiple different themes, including the history of Europe and Gastronomy throughout the years.