Ubbo Houses
What is an Ubbo House?
An Ubbo House is a house in Groningen where at least half of the inhabitants are Ubbo members, with a minimum of two people living in the house.
Why become an Ubbo House?
As an official Ubbo House, you will:
- Receive a feature in the Ubbo Almanac, complete with your own picture and a short description.
- Be highlighted on our website under the section “Association > Ubbo Houses.”
- Gain a “House” bar on your personal profile in both the Ubbo app and on the website.
How can my house become an Ubbo House?
1. Write a letter: Email a letter to ubbo@rug.nl, sharing why your house deserves to become an Ubbo House. Include:
- Details about your house and its residents.
- A short history of your house.
- Why your house embodies the spirit of Ubbo.
2. Board Review: The Board will review your application and propose a date to visit your house.
3. Host the board: The Board will attend a dinner at your house to evaluate its Ubbo-worthiness.
4. Receive Confirmation: After their visit, the Board will send an email to confirm whether your house is now an official Ubbo House.