The Ubbohok
What is the Ubbohok?
The hok is Ubbo's very own room in the university. In the hok there is always something going on. The board can often be found working or meeting here, every day there is a hokuur with free coffee and fun and in the hok all the property of the association is stored.
What is Hokuur?
Hokuur is every business day from 11 am till 1 pm. That means that during these two hours the hok is open to all members and that a board member will be present to supply you with coffee and good conversation. During hokuur you can also fill in your declarations, buy merchandise or ask all your burning Ubbo-related questions.
Where is the Ubbohok?
The hok can be found in the Harmoniecomplex. When you enter the building you go through the doors on your right. Right there, you will see a staircase where you have to walk to the second floor. After you have done that, you will find another door on your left. In this hallway, a lot of offices from different study associations are located. The hok is the second-to-last door on your right. The door will have an Ubbo poster plastered all over it. Congratulations! You have found the Ubbo hok!