Dear Ubbo Emmians, Since the next exam period is quickly approaching, StuCo is busy with organising another series of exam trainings in hopes of helping you pass all your exams. On the 31st of...
Dear Ubbo Emmians, Are you currently taking the Theory III: Theory of History in Practice course, but struggling to remember all the concepts and scholars? Worry no more! On the 1st of April, from...
With a lecture and the Information Evening for the Big Trip on April 2nd, we understand you would want to start the evening with some good food. You’re in luck because Ugly Duck has kindly offered...
Merhaba my fellow Ubbo-Emmians, The Big Trip to Istanbul is coming up soon! We hope you’ve been on the Duolingo grind brushing up on your Turkish. As further preparation for the trip, Dr. Alp...
Dear Ubbo Emmians, On April 2nd, the one and only MarieAntoinExcie will host the information evening for this year‘s Big Trip! Here, we will talk you through the programme and important...
Dear Ubbo Emmians, Have you ever dreamed of exploring a city where two continents meet? Picture yourself wandering through the bustling streets, soaking in the rich scents of spices, the vibrant...