Board van der Meulen (2024-2025)

Board 2024-2025 (Van der Meulen)
Migiel van der Meulen (2022) | Chair |
Marie Jolijn Kooij (2021) | Secretary |
Abigaïl van Rijn (2023) | Treasurer |
Ruben Dijkema (2021) | Commissioner of External Affairs |
Haye Mellema (2022) | Commissioner of Internal Affairs |
Dido Meurs (2022) | Commissioner of Public Relations / Vice-chair |

Migiel van der Meulen - Chair
Hi everyone, my name is Migiel and I am your chair for this year, which I’m very excited about! I was born in a very small village in the province of Fryslân called Siegerswoude, but I’ve lived most of my life in Roden, just south of Groningen. Nowadays, of course, I live and study in the beautiful student city Groningen and I’m in my third year of the History Bachelor. As chair, I will be the contact person with the faculty, will lead our board meetings (or “bever”), make sure everyone in our board gets along and keep a general overview of everything we have planned for this year. Next to this, I am also the board representative in the Study Committee.
In my free time I like to see my friends, also occasionally non-Ubbo friends;), but my absolute favorite thing to do is reading very thick fantasy books! With the very busy schedule I have this year it’s also important to get some “me time” and for me, reading is the way to go. So, do not hesitate to come to me for a chat about anything you like and if you talk to me about books, I’ll be even more glad to see you ;).
Marie Jolijn Kooij - Secretary
Hi lovely Ubbo people!! My name is Marie Jolijn Kooij and I am 22 years old and currently in my fourth year of the bachelor History. I am pleased to say that I will be the Secretary of Ubbo for the upcoming year! Every question you may have about our association will mostly go through me. I am always happy to help, so don’t be afraid to shoot an email to Like the email inbox, I make sure that the member administration is organized. Besides this, I keep close contact with the friends and reünists and most of all I make the minutes of the board and member meetings. Beside the board year, I like to spend my time reading, taking a run or having fun evenings with friends. I’m excited to be a part of the 88th board of Ubbo. Hope to see you soon!

Abigaïl van Rijn - Treasurer
Hi pookies! I'm Abigail, 23 years old, and I'm in my second year of the History bachelor. This year I have the honour of being the treasurer of our association, Ubbo, and the SGN (Studenten Geschiedenis Nederland) board together with Ruben Dijkema. You can also call me "Mr. Moneyman," as I keep an eye on the finances and ensure we have enough budget for all our activities. Excel and I are truly bros.
Additionally, I'll also be part of the travel committee this year, where my main task will be to support the chair. I'm looking forward to creating an amazing travel experience for our members!
Besides my studies and my job at the Plus, I love spending my free time with friends and family. I often chill with the board at the HOK, where we not only work but also sing the coolest Chappell Roan songs together.
When I go out, you can often find me at my favourite club, Coppas. The atmosphere there is always great, and it’s the perfect place to make new memories. If you have any questions about the finances, feel free to reach out to me—I’m always open to a chat or a drink!
Ruben Dijkema - Commissioner of External Affairs
Hey, my name is Ruben Dijkema and this year I am the Commissioner of External Affairs of our lovely association. Originally I’m from Arnhem and at the time of writing I am 23 years old. As the External I represent Ubbo to the rest of this very scary world. This means I maintain contact with our partners, with our brother associations in Groningen and our sister associations all over the country.
It’s also my task to make your Ubbo membership card as valuable as possible, which means I’m always looking for new deals with potential partners.
As Commissioner of External Affairs I’m also part of the Galant Gala (GaGa) committee, where together with 11 associations we will again organise an amazing gala for everyone!
Within Ubbo I will be the chair of the Acquisition Committee, and Vice-Chair of both the Career Committee and the SGN (Studenten Geschiedenis Nederland) Committee. Apart from that Abïgail and I are also part of the SGN Board. This will be for the first time in nine years the SGN day will be held in Groningen so I’m very excited to be a part of organising this wonderful event!
I’m really looking forward to all the great moments we will have in the coming year with everyone from the association and my fellow board members!

Haye Mellema - Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Dear Ubbo Emmians, my name is Haye Mellema. This year it is my pleasure to be the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of our dear association. When I decided to study History in Groningen, I thought it would be nice to stay in Zwolle, where I grew up. Living with my parents would have been cheaper and easier. But after the KEI-week I knew I had to move to Groningen. This city has a great atmosphere, there’s always something going on and there are more than enough places to have a drink with friends.
Once I found a room in Groningen, I joined Ubbo. It was a great way to get to know the people I was sitting next to in the lecture rooms. Now Ubbo is in my life every day. As the Commissioner of Internal Affairs, it is my job to coordinate nine awesome committees. I try to support the committees when they need help and I want to inspire them to come up with wonderful ideas. It’s a great honour for me to be able to contribute to Ubbo as a spider in the web.
I’m looking forward to seeing you have fun at Ubbo the coming year, and I hope you will come by the Hok sometime!
Dido Meurs - Commissioner of Public Relations
Hi there! My name is Dido Meurs and I am the Commissioner of Public Relations of the 88th board of GHD Ubbo Emmius. I’m 20 years old and currently a third year History student. When people ask me, “Why history?” I always say it’s because I’ve loved stories and storytelling ever since I was little. That’s probably why I spend my free time being pretentious on Letterboxd or Goodreads, listening to music, and going to concerts (a lot of them - seriously, it’s addictive).
As PR, my duty is to maintain Ubbo’s public image. This includes managing our socials and website, creating promotional material, taking pictures during events, and keeping track of committee points. In other words, I’m the one making sure we look cool online and beyond. I experiment with Canva until my eyes blur and occasionally panick when I catch a typo five minutes after hitting post.
This year, I am the chair of the Media Committee. They are my support committee and my rock because they help me with taking pictures and making aftermovies. I also take a seat in the Ubdate Committee as Vice-Chair, where we work on the Ubdate, our very own association magazine that comes out four times a year.
You can often recognize me by the red camera that’s dangling around my neck. Don’t hesitate to reach out for a picture, a quick chat, or maybe even a visit to the Karaokebar to belt out any Taylor Swift song you’d like!