Cancellation of Membership
If you want to cancel/end your membership of GHD Ubbo Emmius, please send an email to, subject ‘Cancellation of membership’. The membership will be ended immediately or on the 31st of August. Because you paid for the contribution for the last year, you still can enjoy the benefits of a membership. Mention in your email on when you want to unsubscribe.
Notice of cancellation of membership must be sent before 1 September. If not, contribution must be paid for the entire academic year.
You can also stay...
Stay as a reunist! Reunists can still visit all activities of Ubbo for the memberprice. Besides that you will be informed about interesting activities by a special newsletter. Every year a drink for reunists will be organised and you will receive an Ubdate twice a year. Last but not least, reunists only pay €10,- a year. There is only one disadvantage: you cannot apply for a committee.
You can change your membership to a reunist membership by sending an email to